August 11, 2012


HERE'S A DIY FAIL. Where did i go wrong? :( Instead of stencilling i tried to paper transfer with regular paper and last jet ink.

1. BOOBOO #1 My letters were not backwards so i had to reprint.

Ahh.. much better

Cut around the letters so there's less paper to rub off later.

Apply mod podge onto the wood and place the word ink side down.

When it dries, apply water.

Letter the paper soak up for a few minutes the begin rubbing off the paper.

Rub rub rub.. I'm feeling optimistic.

NOT :(

Attempt #2. I let this one soak for longer.

Look Ma! My letters look pretty dang good!!

Until it dries and I realize there's a lot of left over scraps.

Thank you for NOTHING!! Where did i go wrong :(

Tutorial used

August 6, 2012

DIY Hand Carved Mr&Mrs Signs

Another DIY! (there will be more :D)
DIY Hand Carved Mr & Mrs Signs
For photos and chair signs :)

Wooden Plaques $2 each from Dollarama = $2.26 CAD
Sponge Brushes from Dollarama $1 for 6 = aboug $0.19cents
Wood Cavring Tools $? These were from grade 8 lol! We had a class for a day or two where we had guest teachers that taught us how to wood carve. This is my first time wood carving since then :) (6 years later)
Coffee (not pictures) - free! just poured left overs from work into a jar.
Total: $5.65 CAD + brushes left over

Step 1 Trace
Print out your letters onto a piece of paper (I used the font Book Antiqua). Regular paper is fine, you don't need tracing paper. Shade the back of the letters with a pencil then postion, tape and trace.

Step 2 Divide
Draw a line in the middle of each of the letter's legs or curve. See pic.

Step 3 Outline
I used the V tool to outline the letters and the middle lines.

Step 4 Carve
I first used the v-tool to carve inwards, then the U tool to smooth it out.
^ before smoothing out (don't have one with Mrs)
^ smoothed out

You could leave it as is or do what i did, Coffee Stain!

I used a sponge brush (regular brush should work) and brushed coffee over the wood.

For the letters, i let it puddle hoping it will make the letters darker. Note that the wood can only soak so much.

After 15mins+ wipe off the excess and let dry. 

TA DA! Finished 
I don't know if I want to paint the letters over. Not sure if it'll pop. Hrmm!!