July 7, 2012

juice detox prep.

I gained weight again and feel like poop.
Hopefully this won't fail like my insanity attempt but!! JUICE DETOX FOR A WEEK. if i last that long. going to the supermarket after work today to buy a bag of carrots, apples, cucumber, beets and lemons to juice. I'm also adding a piece of ginger with every juice since that's what the recipe's I've looked up had. I'm not doing pure juice only for breakfast and dinner but for lunch i'll have a spinach salad with cheese, apples and dried cranberries for lunch or a whole grapefruit and lots of water. Some people are gonna say I'm starving myself but it's just a ONE WEEK DETOX. :) wish me luck!!

Mom had this baby since i was young, so it's well over 10 years old and still works like a charm!! looked gross since it hasn't been used for over a week but after cleaning it, it looks good as gently used!  I just washed it so it's taken appart. Forgot a part in the picture but you'll see it tomorrow when it's fully assembled.